2.5. Your HPC setup#

  • Clone repo to HPC with git

  • Install dependencies (also conda, maybe easybuild if needed and present)

The standard workflow for using the HPC is as follows:

  1. Connect to login node

  2. Transfer files: either using the HPC-UGent web portal, or a tool like scp or rsync

  3. Create a job script

  4. Submit the job

  5. Be patient: the job (usually) first enters the queue, after which it will run and finish.

  6. Inspect and/or move results

2.5.1. Access#

To get access to the UGent HPC, you can follow the instructions on this website: https://www.ugent.be/hpc/en/access/faq/access. Detailed information on how to use and add SSH keys to your account is also available in the VSC HPC tutorial.

2.5.2. HPC Infrastructure#

The HPC is built up of a number of different clusters. Each cluster consists again of a number of servers, which are called worker nodes. This is where the actual computations happen. Each worker node has a number of processors, which again have multiple cores. Note that you never directly connect to a worker node. Instead, you connect to a login node, a specific server that only exists for logging into the HPC. You should avoid doing large computations or storing lots of data on a login node. Once logged into the login node, you create a job script, which is a bash script describing the resources you need (number of cores, amount of RAM, number of GPUs, amount of time, …), and contains the instructions to run the actual computations.

2.5.3. The HPC file system#

The HPC file system is a bit different than what you might be used to. Every user gets not only a home directory, but also a data and scratch directory. You will usually never use the actual paths to these directories. Instead, the HPC provides you with environment variables that point to each location:

  • $VSC_HOME: only for limited number of small files and scripts. Note that even your project might already be too big for the home directory (especially if it includes any datasets).

  • $VSC_DATA: used for ‘long-term’ storage of (relatively) large files.

  • $VSC_SCRATCH: used for ‘live’ input/output data in jobs. Scratch is generally much faster than data or home. Always remove data from this directory once your jobs have finished: there are no guarantees about the time your data will be stored on this system.

The HPC also provides a few useful environment variables for use in job scripts:

  • $PBS_JOBID: the ID of the currently running job.

  • $PBS_O_WORKDIR: directory from which job was submitted on the login node. It is common to use cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR at the beginning of a job script.

  • $TMPDIR: a local unique directory specific to the running job. This directory is cleaned up automatically when the job is done, so make sure to move any result files stored here.

2.5.4. File transfer#

For small files, you can use the file browser of the Open OnDemand interface.

For large files, you can use rsync via your ssh connection. As example:

rsync -a --info=progress2 path/to/my_local_dataset vsc*****@login.hpc.ugent.be:/remote/path/on/vsc/new_parent_of_dataset
  • -a transfer the whole folder with correct permissions.

  • --info=progress2 give a general progress overview with transfer speed and estimated time left.

  • --delete remove files in the target directory not in the source directory.

Usage of symbolic links ln -s can also help access files from different location and make easier shortcuts.

More permanent links between remote filesystems can be done using sshfs

sudo mount -t sshfs -o remount,allow_other,default_permissions -o Compression=no vsc*****@login.hpc.ugent.be:/remote/path/on/vsc /local/path/to/mount/point

2.5.5. Dependencies# modules#

You can install modules compiled and provided by the HPC team. See Chapter 4.1. pip# conda#


You can use env.yaml file to list your dependencies an update them.

name: myenv
    - pytorch
    - nvidia
    - conda-forge
    - python<3.11
    - pytorch
    - torchvision
    - pytorch-cuda=11.7
    - pip
    - pip:
        - pip_only_package
conda env update  --file env.yaml --prune

The latest version of conda can use the libmamba solver, greatly speeding up dependy solving. (https://www.anaconda.com/blog/conda-is-fast-now)

conda update -n base conda
conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver
conda config --set solver libmamba mamba#

Mamba is a faster version of conda, although with libmamba in conda, it’s usage is now more limited.


curl -L -O “conda-forge/miniforge\((uname)-\)(uname -m).sh” bash Mambaforge-\((uname)-\)(uname -m).sh

As installation path, use $VSC_DATA_VO_USER/mambaforge as it has much more space available. Execute the conda init command given by the installer. Add the following lines to your .bashrc: