3.6. Benchmarking#
Benchmarking is keeping track of the resources your code uses while executing. This is mostly execution time, but can also be memory usage, disk access, network access…
Before you benchmark on the HPC, first have a working local setup with smaller resources and data subsets.
Local benchmarking tools:
language agnostic
only execution time
easy to use
language agnostic
runtime and memory
generates sites
Python specific
runtime, memory and GPU
very extensive and overall good support
3.6.1. HPC Benchmarking#
You can scale up these tools on a larger computing node, but they usually do not support benchmarking across multiple nodes. Certain frameworks like Dask or Apache Spark have support for benchmarking. You can also always ssh
into the nodes to gather usage info, add resource info to your logging or other means.
SLURM jobs also keep track of some resource usage.
$ sacct -j 202232023 -o "User,JobID%20,ReqMem,ReqCPUS,TotalCPU,Elapsed,MaxRSS,State"
User JobID ReqMem ReqCPUS TotalCPU Elapsed MaxRSS State
--------- -------------------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
ceciuser 202232023 132Mc 8 16:25.207 00:02:40 COMPLETED
202232023.batch 132Mc 8 16:25.207 00:02:40 1080420K COMPLETED
MaxRSS/(ReqMem*ReqCPUS) gives the maximum of memory efficiency. In this example, (1080420)÷(132×8×1024)*100 = 99.91%
TotalCPU/(Elapsed*ReqCPUS) gives the CPU efficiency. In this example, (16×60+25,207)÷((2×60+40)×8)×100 = 76.95%
Slurm checks periodically for the memory usage to get the “Maximum resident set size” of all tasks in job. If your code has a short peak usage of memory slurm will not see it so the value will be underestimated.
(base) [vsc43257@gligar07 ~]$ slurm_jobinfo 15451915
Name : pipeline
User : vsc43257
Partition : victini
Nodes : node3201.victini.os
Cores : 2
Submit : 2022-10-25T11:24:42
Start : 2022-10-25T11:25:21
End : 2022-10-25T11:27:19
Reserved walltime : 01:00:00
Used walltime : 00:01:58
Used CPU time : 00:00:20
% User (Computation): 83.60%
% System (I/O) : 16.39%
Mem reserved : 4G/node
Max Mem used : 312.02M (node3201.victini.os)
Max Disk Write : 61.44K (node3201.victini.os)
Max Disk Read : 57.50M (node3201.victini.os)
Working directory : /kyukon/home/gent/432/vsc43257/napari-spongepy
(not always installed)
$ seff 202232023
Job ID: 202232023
Cluster: clusername
User/Group: ceciuser/ceciuser
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 8
CPU Utilized: 00:16:25
CPU Efficiency: '76.95%' of 00:21:20 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:02:40
Memory Utilized: 1.03 GB
Memory Efficiency: '99.91%' of 1.03 G